Tuesday, April 17, 2012

#1 Reason For The Unemployed To Get Healthy

I had a good friend of mine on the phone today talk to me a little about her why.... why she wants to get in shape, get healthy and lose weight. She's a new teacher here in California and has not been able to get a teaching job for the past two years! She's been very lucky to find tutoring clients and have the district give her students who need home schooling. Her masters degree is actually making it harder - but this is not the point. Her future financial "situation" is now a high priority. In our conversation she mentioned to me that on the news recently there was a spot in which they talked about how companies are not hiring individuals who are over weight and/or obese. Companies can afford to be picky when there are a plethora of people looking for work. My friend went on to express that people who are over weight may appear undisciplined or "un-kept" to employers (her words not mine). She is onto something, even if this isn't the reason employers aren't hiring. Extra weight on our bodies usually comes with health risks and even problems. Many individuals who are struggling with their weight are also battling one or more health issues and thus has higher medical bills. So, why would any company want to take on an employee with more medical needs and potentially have to foot part of the bill? Or, why would a company take on someone who may require more medical attention and thus be away from their job more and even possibly have to file disability. Sick and sad as it may sound for any employer to "judge" an individual based on their outer shell, it does make sense and, for now, cannot be defined as discrimination.
So, back to my friend.... One of her #1 reasons for getting fit and healthy is to help her find and keep a job! WOW! This absolutely caught me off guard and blew me away as it is something I did not think I would ever hear! Glad she shared this and I hope that just maybe this motivates you to get healthy or stay healthy!! If not for your own self, then for your job...
Here's an article I found - she wasn't kidding!

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