Friday, April 20, 2012

Bridal Bootcamp

Many of you know that a big part of my *why*...why I'm pushing myself to shed the lb's and get healthy.. is due to the fact that I am getting married in August of this year. I have to tell you, not one bit of the idea of getting married scares me and I am so excited to wed my best friend and the man of my dreams. What DOES make me nervous? The way I feel in my dress and the way I look in the pictures! If I don't feel beautiful on my wedding day, I certainly won't look it. And, the pictures are forever. Yes photoshop exists, but who can afford the time or money it would take to go through every last picture and airbrush away the weight?? Ummmm, yeah.......... not me! So I'm working out hard six days a week, eating 5 meals per day, drinking lots of water and making sure I'm getting impeccable nutrition into my system (ie - Shakeology). Yes - it's working and I'm going to absolutely look and feel amazing on my day. *not trying to sound vein - it's simply an affirmation* In any matter, now and then I get nosey online. What are other brides out there doing to get in shape or shed unwanted weight? You would not believe what I found today!!! There is something out there called the K-E Diet. It involves being on a slow drip of protein and fat. Your doctor inserts a feeding tube through your nose and down into your stomach. The tube is connected to a baggie full of a solution containing the proteins and fats. You remain on the slow drip for 10 days. You don't eat anything else, just what you're getting through the tube. The claim is that you can lose up to 20lbs in 10 days and that your body undergoes ketosis which leaves the muscle intact.
Here is what ketosis is in regards to a diet according to Wikipedia:

"If the diet is changed from a highly glycemic diet to a diet that does not provide sufficient carbohydrate to replenish glycogen stores, the body goes through a set of stages to enter ketosis. During the initial stages of this process, blood glucose levels are maintained through gluconeogenesis, and the adult brain does not burn ketones. However, the brain makes immediate use of ketones for lipid synthesis in the brain. After about 48 hours of this process, the brain starts burning ketones in order to more directly use the energy from the fat stores that are being depended upon, and to reserve the glucose only for its absolute needs, thus avoiding the depletion of the body's protein store in the muscles.[7]
Ketosis is deliberately induced by use of a ketogenic diet as a medical intervention in cases of intractable epilepsy.[6] Other uses of low-carbohydrate diets remain controversial."

Sounds like nothing more than a liquid version of the Adkins diet if you ask me. And, we all know that absolutely it works.. at first. It's what happens as soon as you introduce any form of carbohydrate back into your body that strips this "diet" of it's credibility or viability. Fellow bride's and friends alike - be smart and make choices for yourself and your body that are healthy and sustainable. Make a lifestyle change and DON'T chase after magic pills and quick fixes!!
If it sounds or seems too good to be true, it probably is!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

#1 Reason For The Unemployed To Get Healthy

I had a good friend of mine on the phone today talk to me a little about her why.... why she wants to get in shape, get healthy and lose weight. She's a new teacher here in California and has not been able to get a teaching job for the past two years! She's been very lucky to find tutoring clients and have the district give her students who need home schooling. Her masters degree is actually making it harder - but this is not the point. Her future financial "situation" is now a high priority. In our conversation she mentioned to me that on the news recently there was a spot in which they talked about how companies are not hiring individuals who are over weight and/or obese. Companies can afford to be picky when there are a plethora of people looking for work. My friend went on to express that people who are over weight may appear undisciplined or "un-kept" to employers (her words not mine). She is onto something, even if this isn't the reason employers aren't hiring. Extra weight on our bodies usually comes with health risks and even problems. Many individuals who are struggling with their weight are also battling one or more health issues and thus has higher medical bills. So, why would any company want to take on an employee with more medical needs and potentially have to foot part of the bill? Or, why would a company take on someone who may require more medical attention and thus be away from their job more and even possibly have to file disability. Sick and sad as it may sound for any employer to "judge" an individual based on their outer shell, it does make sense and, for now, cannot be defined as discrimination.
So, back to my friend.... One of her #1 reasons for getting fit and healthy is to help her find and keep a job! WOW! This absolutely caught me off guard and blew me away as it is something I did not think I would ever hear! Glad she shared this and I hope that just maybe this motivates you to get healthy or stay healthy!! If not for your own self, then for your job...
Here's an article I found - she wasn't kidding!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Halfway Point

Well, here I am just over the 30 day mark in my Insanity journey. My weight has actually fluctuated up and down, but the inches are certainly falling off. This program is difficult, like I expected, but much harder than P90X ever was - my opinion. I think that I personally find lifting to be somewhat enjoyable and cardio just somehow always feels scary or hard. It's truly a love hate relationship. I'm finding that everyday I'm so much stronger! I still cannot do a *full* push up, but I am much closer than I was when I started. And, even now into month two, I can't hold every single interval and have to take breaks. But you know what?? IT'S OK!! As long as I push hard and give it my all, I'm still working my a** off! No guilt trip allowed! Here's the proof:

I'm only half way, but I am looking forward to starting another round! AND I want to take a few people along for the journey, so I've created a challenge group based off the Beachbody Challenge. Space will be limited so

that I can actually give each challenger my full attention. The Challenge starts May14th! Ready to train insane with me? Message me on Facebook for details and to reserve you spot!