Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Round 2 - Ding Ding Ding!

Accountability: Insanity Day 2 (which is the first real workout - lol) Plyometric Circuit - ch ch ch check!

I had tummy issues all day. It was weird...I got myself back to eating every 3 hours (I had taken last week off) and I was feeling hungry within an hour after eating. More than that, as the day went on I was in the bathroom at least 5 times today (sorry if this grosses anyone out.. not talking ralph or tinkle here. and yes, I say tinkle) and had that a nervous tummy (butterflies?) feeling all day. Finally @ 8:30pm I decided to just go for the workout and if I was dizzy, felt like ralphing or hitting the john then I'd just can it for the day and pick it up tomorrow. Well, I made it through and with gusto. I had to take breaks,which surprised me because of how far I'd come since I started, but I could still feel that I was stronger and could push harder than in Round 1. Such a cool feeling!!
Anyway, moral of the story is that you CAN make it through your workouts even when you think you can't. I'm excited to see what Round 2 does for my bod because Round 1 made a HUGE change!

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